Optimus Healthcare is New Zealand’s first compounding pharmacy that specialises in animal remedies. We operate within the requirements of the NZVA Code of Practice and the ACVM legislation.

At Optimus Healthcare, we understand there are limited drug options for veterinarians, and ultimately their patients. When no animal remedy is suitable, registered medicines are unavailable, or the standard treatment options have been exhausted, we work closely with veterinarians to develop dosage forms and strengths tailored specifically to the needs of each patient. Individualised therapy is what Optimus is all about.

We are frequently requested to compound dosage forms such as transdermal gels, capusles, oral pastes, oral suspensions, topical solutions, and opthalmic preparations for Feline, Canine, Equine, Rodent, and Avian patients, as well as many  exotic species. If you would like any further information about how Optimus Healthcare can assist your patient, or your veterinary practice , please contact us via the Links page on this site.

We look forward to assisting you in enhancing the well being of patients under your care. To request the compounding of prescription medications,or to request any service from Optimus Healthcare, please contact us by phone or email for a free consultation.

As a member of the veterinary community, Optimus constantly promote discussions and liase with other veterinary professionals. We are pround to conduct a quarterly discussion forum by means of a newsletter, the Vet Med Problem Solver. The newsletter consists of articles on various topics in veterinary medicine including veterinary compounding. We encourage feedback on any of the articles in the newsletter and if you have an article you would like share, please send to us via email, fax or by post